Proposed identity of AF-8 in the adult:

Central pretectal nucleus or Nucleus pretectalis centralis (Baier & Wullimann 2021).

Schematic showing the approximate location of AF-8 in a 6dpf zebrafish. The optic tract is labelled in the Tg(atoh7:RFP) transgenic line and position of AFs are based on the data from Robles (2014).

Schematic showing the approximate location of AF-8 in a 6dpf zebrafish. The optic tract is labelled in the Tg(atoh7:RFP) transgenic line and position of AFs are based on the data from Robles (2014).

AF-8 is preferentially innervated by Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) located in the ventral retina (Robles et al., 2014).

AF-8 is preferentially innervated by Retinal Ganglion Cells (RGCs) located in the ventral retina (Robles et al., 2014).

visual behaviours associated with AF-8

RGCs axons innervating AF-8 are robustly activated by dark looming and dimming stimuli. This AF receives input predominantly from RGCs with their dendrites embedded in the OFF layer of the inner plexiform layer. The role of AF-8 is still unclear, it may alert the tectum to the presence of a shadow facilitating an escape response. It may also play a role in phototaxis (Temizer et al., 2015).


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The Retinal Projectome Reveals Brain-Area-Specific Visual Representations Generated by Ganglion Cell Diversity.
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A Visual Pathway for Looming-Evoked Escape in Larval Zebrafish.
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