Dr. Isabel Bravo
Position in the lab: Lab technician (2020-2022)
Current job: Postdoc (Fruttiger Lab)

Ms. Ana Alex
Position in the lab: Lab technician (2022)
Current job: BBSRC LiDO PhD Student

Ms. Shanna Philip
Position in the lab: Master's student (2021-2022)
Current job: Working for the museum of science

Mr. Yaoyang Zhong
Position in the lab: Summer student (2023)
Current job: PhD Student (Levine Lab)

Ms. Judy Zhexing
Position in the lab: Rotating PhD student (2023)
Current job: Wellcome Trust Optical Biology student

Mr. Gregory Patient
Position in the lab: Bachelor and master student (2022-2023)
Current job: Applying for PhD Programmes

Ms. Lidia Abraha
Position in the lab: Master student (2022-2023)
Current job: Applying for PhD Programmes

Mr. Huanlin Yi
Position in the lab: Bachelor student (2023)
Current job: finishing their Bachelor's degree at UCL
Ms. Nicole Chiu
Position in the lab: Bachelor student (2023)
Current job: Finishing their Bachelor's degree at the University of Cambridge

Dr. Artur R Fernandes
Position in the lab: Visiting post doc (2023)
Current job: Postdoc

Ms. Hiba Noor
Position in the lab: In2Science programme student (2023)
Current job: Finishing their undergraduate degree

Sara Beqiri
Position: BSc Student, AcadaMedics
Current position: Honorary Research Fellow - Moorfields Eye hospital

Ms. Eva-Maria Breitenbach
MSc Neuroscience Graduate
Current Position: Mom

Louisa Snape
Rotation PhD Student
Wellcome Trust Optical Biology Programme

Joshua Sebastine
Summer Student 2024
Current Position: 3rd year Medicine - University of Cambridge

Matias Benitez
Visting PhD Student

Aanandita Kothurkar