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Zebrafish Facility


Zebrafish Facility

The UCL Zebrafish Facility

 The UCL Zebrafish Facility has a team of nine, all dedicated to the implementation and improvement of fish welfare.  The Facility has conducted many projects with welfare at its heart, and has created a biosecure fish room.  To learn more about the projects undertaken see our Facility CV below. 


UCL Zebrafish Facility CV

Select a topic below to read more about our various projects. To view our conference posters describing our work in more detail please use the grey button links.

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Fish Husbandry

Fish Husbandry

Zebrafish husbandry Protocols 

Whilst zebrafish are one of the most common models used in the UK, there is still a lack of standardisation when it comes to husbandry.  Sourcing protocols can be difficult and many are shared between facilities.  Below are a sample of our basic husbandry protocols that can be useful for those just beginning to use zebrafish. 

Select a title to view and download some of our publicly accessible zebrafish husbandry protocols.

Internal users can access password protected protocols using the link below

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The UCL Zebrafish Facility offers a number of different services related to husbandry and training.  Please click on the images below to read more about the courses and services we offer. Online application forms are available to register for these services. Any further questions please contact  fishfacilities-training@ucl.ac.uk.   

Please select a circle below for more information and to complete the online application form to register for a specific course or service.

Import/Export of zebrafish lines

The UCL Zebrafish Facility can supply wildtype or other zebrafish lines maintained in the stock centre either as breeding adults or as embryos to the community. For advice on the import of export of zebrafish lines from the facility please contact the Facility Manager, Heather Callaway.

Heather Callaway- h.callaway@ucl.ac.uk (tel) 0203 5495637

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Contact Details

Contact Details

Zebrafish Facility Contact Details

Anatomy Building
Gower Street
tel: 02035495634

General & Cryopreservation Enquiries: fishfacility@ucl.ac.uk

Training Enquiries: fishfacilities-training@ucl.ac.uk 

Heather Callawayh.callaway@ucl.ac.uk
Manager Fish Facility STP (NACWO)

Jenna Hakkesteeg: j.hakkesteeg@ucl.ac.uk
Senior Research Support Technician

Karen Dunford: k.dunford@ucl.ac.uk
Training Officer  (NACWO/NTCO)

Joe Warmsley: j.warmsley@ucl.ac.uk
Research Support Technician (NACWO)

Elise Hitchcock: e.hitchcock@ucl.ac.uk
Nursery Technician

Lilly Taylor: lilly.taylor@ucl.ac.uk
Nursery Technician

Ryan Goldsmith: r.goldsmith@ucl.ac.uk
Trainee Technician

Kemal Salih: k.salih@ucl.ac.uk
Trainee Technician

Sophia Jamieson: sophia.jamieson@ucl.ac.uk
Trainee Technian