New insights into brain asymmetry and a novel Wnt pathway protein!

Check out our preprint on biorxiv

Cachd1 is a novel Frizzled- and LRP6-interacting protein required for neurons to acquire left-right asymmetric character

Cachd1 is a novel Wnt pathway component that bridges FZD and LRP6 co-receptors. Asymmetric modulation of Wnt signalling by Cachd1 leads to lateralisation of Hb neurons by altering timing of neurogenesis and probabalistic selection between lateralised neuronal fates.

This was a fantastic collaborative effort between the Wilson Lab and the Yvonne Jones, Raible and Li Labs and Gavin J Wright. With four joint lead authors; Gareth Powell, Yuguang Zhao, Ana Faro & Heather Stickney.

Read a lay summary of this publication here!