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ciliary marginal zone

ciliary marginal zone

Schematic showing the position of the ? in sagittal, horizontal and coronal sections through the zebrafish brain.  Based on the anatomical segmentation of 3 day old zebrafish larval brain by Thomas Müller, Olaf Ronneberger, Wolfgang Driever and coll…

Schematic showing the position of the ? in sagittal, horizontal and coronal sections through the zebrafish brain.
Based on the anatomical segmentation of 3 day old zebrafish larval brain by Thomas Müller, Olaf Ronneberger, Wolfgang Driever and colleagues. For details see Ronneberger et al., Nat. Meth. 2012 and

Abbreviations: CMZ, ciliary marginal zone; GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer ; ipl, inner plexiform layer ; ONL, outer nuclear layer ; opl, outer plexiform layer; RPE, retinal pigmented epithelium.


In the zebrafish eye, all the stages of progression from stem cell to differentiated neuron are found near the margin of the eye in a region termed the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ).  This type of retinal stem cell niche is found in all non-mammalian vertebrates and contain perpetually self-renewing, proliferative neuroepithelial cells that are spatially ordered with respect to cellular development and differentiation.  The youngest and least determined cells are most peripheral, proliferative retinoblasts are located in the middle, and the quiescent, differentiating cells are most central (Fig 1).  Cell behaviour of neuronal precursors within the CMZ is likely influenced by environmental signals emmanating from the surrounding tissues, including the RPE, lens, and mature retina.


Development of the CMZ:

The ciliary marginal zone is derived from the mitotic neural retina, but little is known about how progenitor cells choose to form the CMZ instead of differentiate into neurons.

Kara Cerveny

Kara Cerveny


is part of: retina

has parts:

Transgenic Lines/Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications