
The transgenic line Tg(kdrl:HRAS-mCherry) from Chi et al. (2008) labels endothelial cell membrane (Chhabria et al., 2020). The mCherry is expressed in the vasculature from 20 hpf.


by Xhuljana Durmishi

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Expressed in

Endothelial cell membrane

Key publications

Chhabria K, Plant K, Bandmann O, Wilkinson RN, Martin C, Kugler E, Armitage PA, Santoscoy PLM, Cunliffe VT, Huisken J, McGrown A, Ramesh T, Chico TJA and Howarth C. 2020. The effect of hyperglycemia on neurovascular coupling and cerebrovascular patterning in zebrafish. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 40:298-313.

Chi NC, Shaw RM, De Val S, Kang G, Jan LY, Black BL and Stainier DY. 2008. Foxn4 directly regulates tbx2b expression and atrioventricular canal formation. Genes & Development, 22:734-739.