Retinal pigment epithelium specific 65 kDa protein (RPE65)


Anti-RPE65 labels retinal pigment epithelium

Retinal pigment epithelium specific 65 kDa protein (RPE65) antibody binds to the RPE65 which is found in the retinal pigment epithelium and found to stain retinal pigment epithelium in the rat (Malechka et al., 2017). In the killifish it stained the pigment epithelium and some spots across photoreceptors.

Rabbit Polyclonal anti-RPE65 (Proteintech, Cat#17939-1-AP, dilution 1:100)


by Eva-Maria Breitenbach

Section of 4 mpf male killifish sodium citrate antigen retrieval anti-RPE65 (green) and DAPI (blue)

PS = photoreceptors, ONL = outer nuclear layer, OPL = outer plexiform layer, INL = inner nuclear layer, IPL = inner plexiform layer, GCL = ganglion cell layer

labels these retinal cell types

Retinal pigment epithelium

key publications

Malechka VV, Moiseyev G, Takahashi Y, Shin Y and Ma JX. 2017. Impaired rhodopsin generation in the rat model of diabetic retinopathy. The American Journal of Pathology. 187:2222-2231.