Position in the lab: Postdoc (2020-2022)
Current job: Founder of Zeeks - Art for Geeks/ Computational biologist
Position in the lab: Lab technician (2020-2022)
Current job: Postdoc (Fruttiger Lab)
Position in the lab: Master's student (2021-2022)
Current job: Working for the museum of science
Position in the lab: Rotating PhD student (2023)
Current job: Wellcome Trust Optical Biology student
Position in the lab: Bachelor and master student (2022-2023)
Current job: Applying for PhD Programmes
Position in the lab: Master student (2022-2023)
Current job: Applying for PhD Programmes
Position in the lab: Bachelor student (2023)
Current job: finishing their Bachelor's degree at UCL
Position in the lab: Bachelor student (2023)
Current job: Finishing their Bachelor's degree at the University of Cambridge
Position in the lab: In2Science programme student (2023)
Current job: Finishing their undergraduate degree
Position: BSc Student, AcadaMedics
Current position: Honorary Research Fellow - Moorfields Eye hospital
Moorfields Eye Charity PhD Student
Current: Postdoc with Dr. Caroline Hill (Crick Institute)
Ms. Alicia Carrington (MSc Student)
Dr. Abi Li (Institute Lab manager)
Mr. Karim Nizam (BSc Student, AcadaMedics)
Ms. Clare Cox (Insitute Lab manager)
Ms. Alicia Ellison (Institute Lab Manager)

Ryan MacDonald on the left, Aaron Savage in the middle and Emma White-Fargher on the right
Dr. Emma White-Fargher
Position: PhD Student (2017-2020)
Current position: Academic Coordinator - Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre
Dr. Aaron Savage
Position: Postdoc (2017-2018)
Current position: Postdoc at Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (Whited lab)
Saskia Wyville
Position: MSc Student (2018)
Current position: PhD Student at University of East Anglia (Wheeler lab)