This transgenic originates from Herwig Baier’s laboratory and is one of many enhancer trap Gal4 lines created by them. It shows dense expression of kaede in the telencephalon and throughout all the habenula subnuclei. The insertion of this transgene is currently unmapped.

Expressed in:
telencephalon, posterior tuberculum, habenula, hypothalamus
Key Publications
Mason, L., Scott, E.K., Staub, W., Finger-Baier, K., and Baier, H. (2009) Expression patterns from GAL4 enhancer trap screen. ZFIN Direct Data Submission. . (http://zfin.org).
Scott, E.K., and Baier, H. (2009) The cellular architecture of the larval zebrafish tectum, as revealed by gal4 enhancer trap lines. Frontiers in neural circuits. 3:13.