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transgenic line




The Tg(slc6a3:EGFP)ot80 transgenic line expresses GFP under the control of
cis-regulatory elements of the dopamine transporter (DAT) gene slc6a3.


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Lab of Origin: Mark Ekker Lab

Transgene expressed in: 

olfactory bulb, subpallium, preoptic region, pretectum, posterior tuberculum, hypothalamus, optic tectum, cerebellum

Key Publications


Xi Y1, Yu M, Godoy R, Hatch G, Poitras L, Ekker M.
Transgenic zebrafish expressing green fluorescent protein in dopaminergic neurons of the ventral diencephalon.
Dev Dyn. 2011 Nov;240(11):2539-47. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.22742. Epub 2011 Sep 19.


Tg(slc17a6b: DsRed)nns9Tg

Tg(slc17a6b: DsRed)nns9Tg


 Slc17a6b is a vesicular glutamate transporter that that mediates the uptake of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate into vesicles in the presynaptic terminals of excitatory neurons. This BAC transgenic line from the Yoshihara lab drives the expression of DSRed in glutamatergic neurons. Expression can be seen in many neurons throughout the brain. Strong expression in the dorsal and ventral habenular subnuclei, olfactory bulbs, the pallium and optic tectum

External Links:


Lab or Origin: Yoshihara Lab

Expressed in: 

 glutamatergic neurons, olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb, pallium, subpallium, dorsal habenula, ventral habenula, preoptic area, prethalamus, pretectum (AF9), optic tectum, trigeminal sensory ganglion.

Key Publications

Miyasaka, N., Morimoto, K., Tsubokawa, T., Higashijima, S., Okamoto, H., and Yoshihara, Y. (2009)
From the olfactory bulb to higher brain centers: genetic visualization of secondary olfactory pathways in zebrafish.
The Journal of neuroscience. 29(15):4756-4767.

Kani, S., Bae, Y.K., Shimizu, T., Tanabe, K., Satou, C., Parsons, M.J., Scott, E., Higashijima, S.I., and Hibi, M. (2010) Proneural gene-linked neurogenesis in zebrafish cerebellum.
Developmental Biology. 343(1-2):1-17.





The construct used to create this enhancer trap line contains the highly conserved noncoding element  "hs7" from the regulatory region of the human SOX3 gene.

External Links:


Lab or Origin: Tom Becker Lab

Expressed in: 

 olfactory bulb, subpallium, habenula, AF9 pretectum, optic tectum, cerebellum.

Key Publications

 Navratilova, P., Fredman, D., Hawkins, T.A., Turner, K., Lenhard, B., and Becker, T.S. (2009) Systematic human/zebrafish comparative identification of cis-regulatory activity around vertebrate developmental transcription factor genes. Developmental Biology. 327(2):526-540.




 This construct contains the highly conserved noncoding element  "hs5" from the  regulatory region of the human SOX3 gene.

External Links:


Lab or Origin: Tom Becker Lab

Expressed in: 

pineal, parapineal, pretectum, thalamus


Key Publications

 Navratilova, P., Fredman, D., Hawkins, T.A., Turner, K., Lenhard, B., and Becker, T.S. (2009) Systematic human/zebrafish comparative identification of cis-regulatory activity around vertebrate developmental transcription factor genes. Developmental Biology. 327(2):526-540.





External Links:


Lab or Origin: Tom Becker Lab

Expressed in: 

 ciliary marginal zone of retina,pallium, pineal, habenula, hindbrain

Key Publications

 Navratilova, P., Fredman, D., Hawkins, T.A., Turner, K., Lenhard, B., and Becker, T.S. (2009) Systematic human/zebrafish comparative identification of cis-regulatory activity around vertebrate developmental transcription factor genes. Developmental Biology. 327(2):526-540.




 Synonyms: Tg(Xleomes:GFP)io005, tg(Xeom:GFP)

The tg(Xeom:GFP) transgenic lines were made in the Mione lab and used to study the dorsal to ventral migration of the paraseptal neurons in the subpallium.

“GFP-expressing cells appear around 28 hpf in the telencephalon of tg(Xeom:GFP) transgenic embryos. Paired groups of GFP-expressing cells appear in the lateral region of the telencephalon more or less at the level of the olfactory placode, at the telencephalic/diencephalic border and in the midbrain tegmentum.
We describe the migration of the telencephalic group: these cells originate from the corresponding ventricular zone, they first move towards the lateral side and then proceed rapidly towards the ventral telencephalon. Most of the GFP+ cells will congregate at the level of the septal area just rostral to the anterior commissure The 3 cell groups are interconnected through the anterior commissure and the middle forebrain bundle.” (Mione et al., 2008).

“Telencephalic Xeom:GFP- expressing cells probably correspond to the eomes/tbr1- expressing cells located in the ventral telencephalon of zebrafish [Mione et al., 2001] and of many other vertebrates [Brox et al., 2004; Puelles et al., 2000]. The observation that these cells originate from a dorsal telencephalic position and undergo an extensive migration towards the ventral telencephalon and diencephalon, accompanying the growth of the MOT and MFB, suggests that they may play pioneer roles on the formation of these major axon tracts. “(Mione et al., 2008).

External Links:


Lab or Origin: Mione Lab

Expressed in: 

 septal region, subpallium, entopeduncular nucleus, thalamic emminence, midbrain tegmentum, optic tectum, cerebellum.

Key Publications

Mione, M., Baldessari, D., Deflorian, G., Nappo, G., and Santoriello, C. (2008)
How neuronal migration contributes to the morphogenesis of the CNS: insights from the zebrafish. Developmental neuroscience. 30(1-3):65-81.

Mione M, Shanmugalingam S, Kimelman D, Griffin K (2001):
Overlapping expression of zebrafish T-brain-1 and eomesodermin during forebrain development.
Mech Dev 100: 93–97.

Puelles L, Rubenstein JL (2003)
Forebrain gene expression domains and the evolving prosomeric model.
Trends Neurosci 26:469–476.

Puelles L, Kuwana E, Puelles E, Bulfone A, Shi- mamura K, Keleher J, Smiga S, Rubenstein JL (2000)
Pallial and subpallial derivatives in the embryonic chick and mouse telencephalon, traced by the expression of the genes Dlx-2, Emx-1, Nkx-2.1, Pax-6, and Tbr-1.
J Comp Neurol 424:409–438.