Tg(pou4f1-hsp70l:GFP) formally Tg(brn3a-hsp70:GFP) expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of enhancer elements of brn3a, a POU-domain transcription-factor-encoding gene expressed in the habenula, retina, optic tectum, torus semicircularis and cranial sensory ganglia including the neuromasts of the lateral line and inner ear.
GFP is expressed in retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells. Projections from RGCs can be seen traversing the optic nerve and innervating the superficial neuropil layer of the optic tectum. In addition, there were neurons expressing GFP in the deeper layers of the tectum. Given that the tectum sends motor outputs from the deeper layers it is likely that these neurons were involved in sending motor outputs to the hindbrain.
The tectobulbar tract descends from the deeper layers of the optic tectum ipsilaterally to connect with the reticulospinal neurons in the hindbrain (Sato et al., 2007).
This transgenic expresses GFP in the dorsal medial habenula subnuclei. Projections from dHbM neurons to the IPN can be seen traversing the fasiculus retroflexus and terminating in the Interpeduncular nuclei. Habenula axons exhibit a spiralling terminal morphology when innervating the IPN (Aizawa et al., 2005).

Transgene expressed in:
dorsal habenula, retina, optic tectum, tecto-bulbar tract, fasiculus retroflexus, neuromasts of lateral line, cranial nerve ganglia, hair cells of inner ear.
Key Publications
Sato, T., Hamaoka, T., Aizawa, H., Hosoya, T., and Okamoto, H. (2007)
Genetic single-cell mosaic analysis implicates ephrinB2 reverse signaling in projections from the posterior tectum to the hindbrain in zebrafish.
The Journal of Neuroscience 27(20):5271-5279.
Aizawa, H., Bianco, I.H., Hamaoka, T., Miyashita, T., Uemura, O., Concha, M.L., Russell, C., Wilson, S.W., and Okamoto, H. (2005)
Laterotopic Representation of Left-Right Information onto the Dorso-Ventral Axis of a Zebrafish Midbrain Target Nucleus.
Current biology. 15(3):238-243.
deCarvalho, T.N., Subedi, A., Rock, J., Harfe, B.D., Thisse, C., Thisse, B., Halpern, M.E., Hong, E. (2014) Neurotransmitter map of the asymmetric dorsal habenular nuclei of zebrafish.
Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 52(6):636-55.