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posterior tuberculum




Tg(1.4dlx5a-dlx6a:GFP)ot1 larvae express GFP in subpallial neurons γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-expressing neurons. Several other brain regions also show GFP expression in this transgenic line such as the optic tectum and cerebellum.

 Dlx homeobox genes play essential roles in the differentiation, migration and survival of subpallial precursor cells that will later give rise to diverse subtypes of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-expressing neurons. They also participate in the regulation of the Gad genes encoding the enzymes necessary for GABA synthesis (Yu et al., 2011).


Mouse over the different areas of GFP expression in the interactive images below to see the name of the brain area. 

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Lab of Origin: Mark Ekker Lab

Expressed in: 

olfactory bulb, subpallium, pallium, preoptic area, prethalamus, posterior tuberculum, hypothalamus, optic tectum, cerebellum.


Key Publications

Zerucha, T., Stuhmer, T., Hatch, G., Park, B.K., Long, Q., Yu, G., Gambarotta, A., Schultz, J.R., Rubenstein, J.L., and Ekker, M. (2000) 
A highly conserved enhancer in the Dlx5/Dlx6 intergenic region is the site of cross-regulatory interactions between dlx genes in the embryonic forebrain. 
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 20(2):709-721.

Yu, M., Xi, Y., Pollack, J., Debiais-Thibaud, M., Macdonald, R.B., and Ekker, M. (2011) 
Activity of dlx5a/dlx6a regulatory elements during zebrafish GABAergic neuron development. 
Int. J. Dev. Neurosci.. 29(7):681-91.




 This transgenic originates from Herwig Baier’s laboratory and is one of many enhancer trap Gal4 lines created by them. Driving Kaede expression in the posterior tuberculum,hypothalamus and cerebellum. There is a very interesting tract labelled that projects between the midbrain tegmentum and posterior tuberculum. The tract skirts the tectal neuropil. The insertion of this transgene is currently unmapped.

External Links:


Lab or Origin: Baier Lab

Expressed in: 

tectum, posterior tuberculum, tegmentum, hypothalamus, cerebellum. 

Key Publications

Scott, E.K., and Baier, H. (2009) The cellular architecture of the larval zebrafish tectum, as revealed by gal4 enhancer trap lines. Frontiers in neural circuits. 3:13.

Heap, L.A., Goh, C.C., Kassahn, K.S., and Scott, E.K. (2013) Cerebellar output in zebrafish: an analysis of spatial patterns and topography in eurydendroid cell projections. Frontiers in neural circuits. 7:53.

Heap, L.A., Vanwalleghem, G.C., Thompson, A.W., Favre-Bulle, I., Rubinsztein-Dunlop, H., Scott, E.K. (2018) Hypothalamic Projections to the Optic Tectum in Larval Zebrafish. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 11:135.

Kani, S., Bae, Y.K., Shimizu, T., Tanabe, K., Satou, C., Parsons, M.J., Scott, E., Higashijima, S.I., and Hibi, M. (2010) Proneural gene-linked neurogenesis in zebrafish cerebellum. Developmental Biology. 343(1-2):1-17. 




 This transgenic originates from Herwig Baier’s laboratory and is one of many enhancer trap Gal4 lines created by them. It labels prethalamus, thalamus and posterior tubercular regions. It also has retinal, habenular, pineal, optic tectum and subpallial expression.

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Lab or Origin:

Expressed in: 

 subpallium, habenulae, pineal, emminentia thalami, prethalamus, thalamus, posterior tuberculum, retina, optic tectum, hypothalamus, preglomerular complex.

Key Publications

 Scott, E.K., and Baier, H. (2009) The cellular architecture of the larval zebrafish tectum, as revealed by gal4 enhancer trap lines. Frontiers in neural circuits. 3:13.




 This transgenic originates from Herwig Baier’s laboratory and is one of many enhancer trap Gal4 lines created by them. It shows dense expression of kaede in the telencephalon and throughout all the habenula subnuclei. The insertion of this transgene is currently unmapped.

External Links:


Lab or Origin: Baier Laboratory

Expressed in: 

 telencephalon, posterior tuberculum, habenula, hypothalamus

Key Publications

Mason, L., Scott, E.K., Staub, W., Finger-Baier, K., and Baier, H. (2009) Expression patterns from GAL4 enhancer trap screen. ZFIN Direct Data Submission. . (

Scott, E.K., and Baier, H. (2009) The cellular architecture of the larval zebrafish tectum, as revealed by gal4 enhancer trap lines. Frontiers in neural circuits. 3:13. 




This enhancer trap construct carries the EGFP gene controlled by a partial epithelial promoter from the keratin8 gene.

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Lab or Origin: Korzh Lab

Expressed in: 

 olfactory bulb, subpllium, parapineal, torus longitudinlis, optic tectum, posterior tuberal region, hypothalamus, pituitary

Key Publications

 Parinov, S., Kondrichin, I., Korzh, V., and Emelyanov, A. (2004) Tol2 transposon-mediated enhancer trap to identify developmentally regulated zebrafish genes in vivo. Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 231(2):449-459.

pku2Et/ ETvmat2:GFP

pku2Et/ ETvmat2:GFP


 Synonyms: Et(gata2a:EGFP)pku2, Et(gata2a:GFP)zf81, pku2Et, ETvmat2:GFP

The ETvmat2:GFP transgenic zebrafish line was identified from a large scale enhancer trap screen (unpublished data (Wen et al., 2008)) using a Tol2 vector containing a 249 bp zebrafish gata2 minimal promoter linked to a GFP reporter gene. (Wen et al., 2008). The enhancer trap vector was inserted in the second intron of vmat2 gene with the transcription direction of the GFP reporter opposite to that of the vmat2 gene (Wen et al., 2008).

This enhancer trap line recapitulates the expression pattern of vmat2 and labels most monaminergic neurons in the zebrafish. Vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (Vmat2) is a monoamine transporter VMAT2 is a membrane protein that transports monoamines, including neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine from the cytosol into synaptic vesicles.

External Links:


Lab or Origin: PKU Zebrafish Functional Genomics Group

Expressed in: 

 monoaminergic neurons, olfactory bulb, telencephalon, pretectum, pineal, posterior tuberculum, torus longitudinalis, raphe, ventral lateral group of serotinergic neurons in hindbrain(VL) , hypothalamus, locus coerulus.

Key Publications

Wen, L., Wei, W., Gu, W., Huang, P., Ren, X., Zhang, Z., Zhu, Z., Lin, S., and Zhang, B. (2008)
Visualization of monoaminergic neurons and neurotoxicity of MPTP in live transgenic zebrafish. Developmental Biology. 314(1):84-92. 

Farrar, M.J., Kolkman, K.E., Fetcho, J.R. (2018)
Features of the structure, development and activity of the Zebrafish Noradrenergic System explored in new CRISPR transgenic lines.
The Journal of comparative neurology. 526(15):2493-2508.