

Anti-Caspase-3 labels apoptosis

Caspase-3 antibody, caspases, are crucial mediators in apoptosis and caspase-3 is activated during death protease. Its antibody labels apoptosis in mice (Gashegu et al., 2007). In the killifish, we found two cells stained in the ganglion cell layer (white arrow) and some staining in the outer plexiform layer (yellow arrow).

Rabbit Polyclonal anti-Caspase-3 (BD Biosciences, Cat#559565, dilution 1:200)


by Eva-Maria Breitenbach

Section of 4 mpf male killifish sodium citrate antigen retrieval anti-Caspase-3 in green and DAPI in blue

labels these retinal cell types

Cells undergoing apoptosis

key publications

Gashegu J, Ladha R, Vanmuylder N, Philippson C, Bremer F, Rooze M and Louryan S. 2007. HSP110, caspase‐3 and‐9 expression in physiological apoptosis and apoptosis induced by in vivo embryonic exposition to all‐trans retinoic acid or irradiation during early mouse eye development. Journal of Anatomy. 210:532-541.