Inferior raphe

Inferior raphe

Vestibular Nuclei

Vestibular Nuclei


Schematic showing the position of the medial (mVN) and tangential(tVN) vestibular nuclei at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018.

Schematic showing the position of the medial (mVN) and tangential(tVN) vestibular nuclei at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018.


is part of:

has parts:


OLS Tree Diagram

Transgenic Lines/Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

Schoppik et al
Gaze-Stabilizing Central Vestibular Neurons Project Asymmetrically to Extraocular Motoneuron Pools
J Neurosci. 2017 Nov 22; 37(47): 11353–11365.doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1711-17.2017

Bianco IH, Ma LH, Schoppik D, Robson DN, Orger MB, Beck JC, Li JM, Schier AF, Engert F, Baker R. (2012)
The tangential nucleus controls a gravito-inertial vestibulo-ocular reflex.
Curr Biol 22:1285–1295. 10.1016/j.cub.2012.05.026



Schematic showing the different regions of the zebrafish cerebellum at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018

Schematic showing the different regions of the zebrafish cerebellum at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018



is part of: hindbrain

has parts:


OLS Tree Diagram

Transgenic Lines that label this brain region

Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

Dohaku, R., Yamaguchi, M., Yamamoto, N., Shimizu, T., Osakada, F., Hibi, M. (2019)
Tracing of Afferent Connections in the Zebrafish Cerebellum Using Recombinant Rabies Virus.
Frontiers in neural circuits. 13:30.

Takeuchi, M., Matsuda, K., Yamaguchi, S., Asakawa, K., Miyasaka, N., Lal, P., Yoshihara, Y., Koga, A., Kawakami, K., Shimizu, T., Hibi, M. (2015)
Establishment of Gal4 transgenic zebrafish lines for analysis of development of cerebellar neural circuitry. Developmental Biology. 397(1):1-17.

Heap, L.A., Goh, C.C., Kassahn, K.S., and Scott, E.K. (2013)
Cerebellar output in zebrafish: an analysis of spatial patterns and topography in eurydendroid cell projections.
Frontiers in neural circuits. 7:53.

corpus cerebelli

corpus cerebelli

Schematic showing the position of the corpus cerebelli in sagittal, horizontal and coronal sections through the zebrafish brain.  Based on the anatomical segmentation of 3 day old zebrafish larval brain by Thomas Müller, Olaf Ronneberger, Wolfgang D…

Schematic showing the position of the corpus cerebelli in sagittal, horizontal and coronal sections through the zebrafish brain.
Based on the anatomical segmentation of 3 day old zebrafish larval brain by Thomas Müller, Olaf Ronneberger, Wolfgang Driever and colleagues. For details see Ronneberger et al., Nat. Meth. 2012 and

Abbreviations: Ce, cerebellar plate; D, dorsal telencephalon/pallium; E, epiphysis; EmT, eminentia thalami; Hb, habenula; Hyp, hypothalamus; MO, medulla oblongata; OB, olfactory bulb; OT, optic tectum; PG, preglomerular complex; PO, preoptic area;PrT, pretectum; PTd, posterior tuberculum dorsal part; PTh, prethalamus; PTv posterior tuberculum ventral part; Teg, tegmentum; Th, thalamus; TS, torus semicircularis; V, ventral telencephalon/subpallium; Va, valvula cerebelli.



is part of:

has parts:


OLS Tree Diagram

Asset 9-100.jpg

Transgenic Lines/Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

Dohaku, R., Yamaguchi, M., Yamamoto, N., Shimizu, T., Osakada, F., Hibi, M. (2019)
Tracing of Afferent Connections in the Zebrafish Cerebellum Using Recombinant Rabies Virus.
Frontiers in neural circuits. 13:30.

medulla oblongata

medulla oblongata

Schematic showing the position of the medulla oblongata in sagittal, horizontal and coronal sections through the zebrafish brain.  Based on the anatomical segmentation of 3 day old zebrafish larval brain by Thomas Müller, Olaf Ronneberger, Wolfgang …

Schematic showing the position of the medulla oblongata in sagittal, horizontal and coronal sections through the zebrafish brain.
Based on the anatomical segmentation of 3 day old zebrafish larval brain by Thomas Müller, Olaf Ronneberger, Wolfgang Driever and colleagues. For details see Ronneberger et al., Nat. Meth. 2012 and

Abbreviations: Ce, cerebellar plate; D, dorsal telencephalon/pallium; E, epiphysis; EmT, eminentia thalami; Hb, habenula; Hyp, hypothalamus; MO, medulla oblongata; OB, olfactory bulb; OT, optic tectum; PG, preglomerular complex; PO, preoptic area;PrT, pretectum; PTd, posterior tuberculum dorsal part; PTh, prethalamus; PTv posterior tuberculum ventral part; Teg, tegmentum; Th, thalamus; TS, torus semicircularis; V, ventral telencephalon/subpallium; Va, valvula cerebelli.



is part of:

has parts:


OLS Tree Diagram

Asset 9-100.jpg

Transgenic Lines/Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

locus coeruleus

locus coeruleus

Schematic showing the position of the locus coeruleus at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018.

Schematic showing the position of the locus coeruleus at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018.


The locus coeruleus is one of the main source of noradrenaline projections into the forebrain. The neurotransmitter noradrenaline is important modulators of sleep/wakefulness, learning & memory, attention and reward (Farrar et al., 2018).

The locus coeruleus sends long-range projections to the olfactory bulb, subpallium, pretectum, posterior tuberculum, hypothalamus, optic tectum, and to hindbrain and spinal cord (Tay et al., 2011).


is part of: hindbrain, medulla oblongata, noradrenergic system.

has parts:

Transgenic Lines that label this brain region

The y405-Gal4 line was used to anatomically segment the locus coeruleus by the Zebrafish Brain Browser.Tabor, K.M., Marquart, G.D., Hurt, C., Smith, T.S., Geoca, A.K., Bhandiwad, A.A., Subedi, A., Sinclair, J.L., Rose, H.M., Polys, N.F., Burgess, H.…

The y405-Gal4 line was used to anatomically segment the locus coeruleus by the Zebrafish Brain Browser.

Tabor, K.M., Marquart, G.D., Hurt, C., Smith, T.S., Geoca, A.K., Bhandiwad, A.A., Subedi, A., Sinclair, J.L., Rose, H.M., Polys, N.F., Burgess, H.A. (2019) Brain-wide cellular resolution imaging of Cre transgenic zebrafish lines for functional circuit-mapping. eLife 2019;8:e42687 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.42687

Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

Ma, P.M. (1994)
Catecholaminergic systems in the zebrafish. II. Projection pathways and pattern of termination of the locus coeruleus.
The Journal of comparative neurology. 344:256-269.

Kastenhuber E., Kratochwil C. F., Ryu S., Schweitzer J., Driever W. (2010).
Genetic dissection of dopaminergic and noradrenergic contributions to catecholaminergic tracts in early larval zebrafish.
J. Comp. Neurol. 518, 439–458. doi: 10.1002/cne.22214

Farrar, M.J., Kolkman, K.E., Fetcho, J.R. (2018)
Features of the structure, development and activity of the Zebrafish Noradrenergic System explored in new CRISPR transgenic lines.
The Journal of comparative neurology. 526(15):2493-2508.

Tay, T. L., Ronneberger, O., Ryu, S., Nitschke, R., & Driever, W. (2011).
Comprehensive catecholaminergic projectome analysis reveals single-neuron integration of zebrafish ascending and descending dopaminergic systems.
Nature Communications, 2(1), 171–112.

McLean, D. L., & Fetcho, J. R. (2004).
Ontogeny and innervation patterns of dopaminergic, noradrenergic, and serotonergic neurons in larval zeb- rafish.
The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 480(1), 38–56.

inferior olive

inferior olive


Hindbrain nucleus afferent to the cerebellum where climbing fibers arise.

Schematic showing the position of the inferior olive at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018.

Schematic showing the position of the inferior olive at 6dpf based on the 3D anatomical segmentation used by the Zebrafish Brain Browser by Gupta et al., 2018.

Snapshot of the Zebrafish Brain Browser 3D viewer showing the position of the inferior olive by Gupta et al., 2018.

Snapshot of the Zebrafish Brain Browser 3D viewer showing the position of the inferior olive by Gupta et al., 2018.


is part of: medulla oblongata, hindbrain

has parts:

Transgenic Lines/Antibodies that label this brain region

The y330-Gal4 line was used to anatomically segment the inferior olive by the Zebrafish Brain Browser.Tabor, K.M., Marquart, G.D., Hurt, C., Smith, T.S., Geoca, A.K., Bhandiwad, A.A., Subedi, A., Sinclair, J.L., Rose, H.M., Polys, N.F., Burgess, H.A…

The y330-Gal4 line was used to anatomically segment the inferior olive by the Zebrafish Brain Browser.

Tabor, K.M., Marquart, G.D., Hurt, C., Smith, T.S., Geoca, A.K., Bhandiwad, A.A., Subedi, A., Sinclair, J.L., Rose, H.M., Polys, N.F., Burgess, H.A. (2019) Brain-wide cellular resolution imaging of Cre transgenic zebrafish lines for functional circuit-mapping. eLife 2019;8:e42687 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.42687

Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

Dohaku, R., Yamaguchi, M., Yamamoto, N., Shimizu, T., Osakada, F., Hibi, M. (2019)
Tracing of Afferent Connections in the Zebrafish Cerebellum Using Recombinant Rabies Virus.
Frontiers in neural circuits. 13:30.

Takeuchi, M., Matsuda, K., Yamaguchi, S., Asakawa, K., Miyasaka, N., Lal, P., Yoshihara, Y., Koga, A., Kawakami, K., Shimizu, T., Hibi, M. (2015)
Establishment of Gal4 transgenic zebrafish lines for analysis of development of cerebellar neural circuitry. Developmental Biology. 397(1):1-17.

Castro A, Becerra M, Manso MJ, Anadón R.
Calretinin immunoreactivity in the brain of the zebrafish, Danio rerio: distribution and comparison with some neuropeptides and neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes. II. Midbrain, hindbrain, and rostral spinal cord.
J Comp Neurol. 2006 Feb 10;494(5):792-814.

nucleus isthmi

nucleus isthmi


The nucleus isthmi(NI) is a hindbrain nucleus located in the tegmentum of rhombomere 1 close to the secondary gustatory nucleus. NI is reciprocally connected with the optic tectum. Henriques et al (2019) describe two distinct types of isthmic projection neuron that either connect ipsilaterally to retinorecipient laminae of the tectum and pretectum or bilaterally to both tectal hemispheres.

“The nucleus isthmi (NI) is thought to correspond to the parabigeminal nucleus (PBg) in mammals. These paired cholinergic nuclei are located at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary of the tegmentum and are reciprocally connected with Optic Tectum(OT) and Superior Colliculus(SC) in all vertebrates studied. The NI and PBg has been described a satellite system of OT and SC and is a good candidate to modulate tectal activity during hunting. NI and PBg has been implicated in visual prey detection, tracking of moving targets, generation of binocular visual responses in rostral OT, and mechanisms of selective spatial attention .”Henriques et al., 2019

Ablation of the nucleus ithmi results in specific deficits in tectally mediated loom-avoidance and prey-catching behavior. Ablating the NI does not affect prey detection or hunting initiation but did lead to a failure to sustain prey-tracking sequences and the abortion of larval hunting routines. Larvae show elevated neural activity in NI following onset of hunting behavior. Henriques et al (2019) propose a model in which the "nucleus ithmi provides state-dependent feedback facilitation to the optic tectum and pretectum to potentiate neural activity and increase the probability of consecutive prey-tracking maneuvers during hunting sequences." Henriques et al., 2019.

Schematic based on Henriques et al., 2019 showing the position of the nucleus isthmi at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary in the tegmentum.

Schematic based on Henriques et al., 2019 showing the position of the nucleus isthmi at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary in the tegmentum.

Schematic based on Henriques et al., 2019 showing the nuclear subdivisions of the paired cholinergic nucleus ithmi visualised using FISH expression of the cholinergic genes chata (green) and vachtb(magenta). The Ch-A domain could be subdivided into …

Schematic based on Henriques et al., 2019 showing the nuclear subdivisions of the paired cholinergic nucleus ithmi visualised using FISH expression of the cholinergic genes chata (green) and vachtb(magenta). The Ch-A domain could be subdivided into anterior (aCh-A) and posterior (pCh-A) subregions, with the location of the boundary marked by a large fascicle from the cerebellum.


is part of: medulla oblongata

has parts:


OLS Tree Diagram

Transgenic Lines/Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

Henriques PM, Rahman N, Jackson SE, Bianco IH.
Nucleus Isthmi is required to sustain target pursuit during visually guided prey-catching.
Current Biology (2019) 29:1771-1786.

nucleus of the MLF

nucleus of the MLF



is part of: medulla oblongata

has parts:

Transgenic Lines that label this brain region

Antibodies that label this brain region

Key Publications

Orger, M.B., Kampff, A.R., Severi, K.E., Bollmann, J.H., and Engert, F. (2008)
Control of visually guided behavior by distinct populations of spinal projection neurons.
Nature Neuroscience. 11(3):327-333.

Bianco, I.H., Ma, L.H., Schoppik, D., Robson, D.N., Orger, M.B., Beck, J.C., Li, J.M., Schier, A.F., Engert, F., and Baker, R. (2012)
The Tangential Nucleus Controls a Gravito-inertial Vestibulo-ocular Reflex.
Current biology : CB. 22(14):1285-1295.

Thiele, T.R., Donovan, J.C., Baier, H. (2014)
Descending Control of Swim Posture by a Midbrain Nucleus in Zebrafish.
Neuron. 83(3):679-691.

Kimmel C.B. Powell S.L. Metcalfe W.K.
Brain neurons which project to the spinal cord in young larvae of the zebrafish.
J. Comp. Neurol. 1982; 205: 112-127